Engineering is a very important part of our society, both now and in the past. It is a major that opens a wide variety of career opportunities for you after college. Engineering is what keeps our nation moving and up to date with technology. It is a very strong appealing major in college due to the amount of average income, and also it appeals to many individuals likes in a career. It has the highest paying income straight out of college, and that increase in pay usually does not stop, it just keeps increasing.Another appealing aspect of a career in engineering is the possibility to work for a foreign company, and no matter where you live in the United States, your income never decreases due to the other local income. It is a rewarding career, both financially and mentally. This is one of those careers that you feel a great deal of self-worth after completing an assignment, or creating something new and improved to keep up with technology. It is a major that requires more time and effort than most other majors.

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